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“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

Steve Jobs

1 iPhone 2 iPad 3 iPod touch

inFocus - DoF calculator

Depth of Field calculator is a simple application used to calculate the depth of field. It also calculates the hyperfocal distance as well as the near and far boundaries for acceptable sharpness (near focus and far focus).
Depth of field can be calculated for any film or digital camera, and a custom circle of confusion can be selected as well.

F@ktura - Faktura VAT

F@ktura to program przeznaczony do wystawiania faktur VAT dla osób prowadzących działalność gospodarczą bez stałego kontaktu z komputerem. Naszym celem było stworzenie prostego i szybkiego narzędzia dla osób, które chcą pilnie wystawić fakturę lub zamierzają w całości prowadzić fakturowanie w jej mobilnym urządzeniu.

New inFocus - DoF calculator

New InFocus is an application used to calculate the depth of field (DoF) as well as the Field of View (FoV). It also calculates the hyperfocal distance, the near and far boundaries for acceptable sharpness (near limit and far limit). New InFocus is designed for photographers who want an accurate and easy way to calculate the depth of field produced by their chosen camera settings